Creating a RAGE Potion with Gameplay Ability System

Let’s create a power boosting potion using UE4’s Gameplay Ability System in the Action RPG Sample that ships with Unreal Engine 4.20+! This tutorial builds on the C++ Action RPG Tutorial Project, in this video we only use Blueprint classes however.

You will learn about Gameplay Abilities, Gameplay Effects, and Gameplay Cue‘s as part of Epic’s Gameplay Ability System. It’s a show-by-example tutorial where I go step-by-step as an introduction to the system, none of the classes explained in detail yet, I simply wanted to provide an introduction.

Get the Action RPG Project on Unreal Engine’s Marketplace.

Want to learn more?! Check out some of my other C++ and Unreal Engine 4 content!


2 Responses

    • This is the only one I have done on Gameplay Ability System so far. Not sure if I’ll do more, but perhaps some over overview/setup document would be great still

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